Premium users enjoy everything that free employer users get, plus advanced recruiting solutions, including:
Unlimited job posts: Post as many full and part time jobs as you like for all your practice locations. Jobs never expire and can be boosted for even more visibility.
Unlimited candidate search: Search our entire database of job seekers and relief workers using advanced filters. Save your favorite candidate profiles to share with your team!
Unlimited candidate chat: Send messages to any job seeker and chat with potential hires, including the ability to upload and download attachments.
50% off all boosted jobs: only applies to annual premium subscriptions (includes both initial boost and monthly auto-renewals).
Unlimited hires: No placement fees, no job posting fees, no hiring limits.
Two convenient options for Hound premium
| Monthly Premium Subscription | Annual Premium Subscription |
Cost and billing |
Features included |
Cancellations and changes |
Ready to upgrade to premium? Simply follow these steps.
Not quite ready to upgrade? No problem!
Your starter profile includes free unlimited locations, unlimited shift posts and free shift applicant chats. Only pay for successfully booked shifts - no relief worker buyout fees, ever!