Release date: July 17, 2024
We've heard from some of our users that sometimes they prefer to browse opportunities by practices instead of job postings or relief shift postings. Other times, you might have a specific practice in mind who doesn't have any current openings, and you can't find them on Hound.
Now all job seekers and relief professionals can view, search and filter all practices on Hound, including those that may not have any current job or shift openings.
What's new in Practice Directory
View and search all practices: When you click on practices from the left hand menu bar, you'll automatically be taken to the "all" page of our new practice directory. From here, practices are listed based on your location - you'll see practices closest to you listed first. Keep scrolling down to view more, or use the practice name search bar to find a specific practice.
Filter by name, location, opportunities and more: You can search and filter for practices based on your preferences by using any of the filters on the "all" page of practices:
Practice name: type in the practice name to start searching.
Location: enter your desired location and radius.
Opportunities: select open jobs, open shifts or both to only see practices with open opportunities.
More filters: this includes additional practice filters including practice type, team size, species, and number of daily practice appointments.
Switch between all practices and followed practices: After you click the "follow" button on a practice, it will be added to your followed list. This can be accessed by clicking the "followed" tile at the top of the practices page. You'll also receive a notification when your followed practices post a new job. To unfollow a practice, simply click the "unfollow" button.
View the full practice profile, including all locations: Simply click on the "view jobs & shifts" button on the practice to see the hospital's full profile, including the practice overview, values, alternative locations and all open jobs and shifts.
Here are more resources about practice profiles:
If you have any questions, reach out to us anytime via the chat widget or email us at