Boosting a job on Hound provides enhanced visibility and access to curated matches, increasing your chances of finding the ideal candidate. In this help center article, we'll explore the pricing options for boosted jobs and discounted pricing for renewals. Let's dive in!
Boosted Job Pricing:
At Hound, we offer competitive pricing options for boosted jobs based on the role type. Take a look at the pricing details below:
DVM Roles:
$500 for the first 30 days of a boosted job. $250 for each additional 30-day renewal beyond the initial period.
Non-DVM Roles:
$200 for the first 30 days of a boosted job. $100 for each additional 30-day renewal beyond the initial period.
It's important to note that the boosted job pricing allows you to enjoy increased visibility and access to curated matches during the specified period.
For all jobs boosted after our latest Boosted Jobs update on May 14, 2024, these will automatically renew every 30 days until paused. Previously boosted jobs do not automatically renew. Learn more here.
If you have any questions, reach out to us anytime via the chat widget or email us at
Boosting a job on Hound provides increased visibility, curated matches, and a higher likelihood of finding the right candidate. The pricing for boosted jobs varies based on the role type, with DVM roles priced at $500 for the initial 30-day period and non-DVM roles priced at $200.