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Job Seekers
FAQs on job seeker profiles, job searching, and chatting with employers.
Creating Your Profile: How do I create a hound job seeker profile?Create a job seeker profile on hound in less than 3 minutes!
Managing Your Profile: How do I edit my profile?Manage, edit, & update your hound job seeker profile.
How do I limit certain information from recruiters?Toggle your profile to 'Actively Searching' or 'Not Searching' to let recruiters know your intent
Searching for Jobs: How do I search for jobs?Search transparent job postings as a job seeker on hound.
Employer Matching: How do I match with employers?Everything you need to know about how our match % works.
Job Posting Notifications: How do I get notified when an employer posts a new job?Add a notification for when a dream employer adds a new open position on their profile!